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Higher Density. Less Trauma.
Better Regrowth.

Sapphire Slit technique,
now in Antalya

Coupled with no-scar FUE method of graft extraction, the Sapphire Slit technique of manual graft implantation improves results even further.
Used by leading hair restoration surgeons worldwide, the FUE method of graft extraction coupled with the Sapphire implantation technique provide a perfect combination of high graft numbers and implantation density.

At PROFUE hair transplantation centre in Antalya, our team uses the FUE method to extract up to 4000-4500 grafts in one session. Grafts are extracted from the back of the patient's head without leaving any permanent scars. While this number of grafts can be considered high, in most cases extraction does not result in a visible decrease of hair density on the donor area.

For implantation, our team does not use a micro-motor, unlike most of our competitors. Instead, tiny implantation incisions are made manually using the Sapphire Slit. Non-spherical incisions result in higher density of graft placement. Since there is less trauma to the scalp and because of the specifics of the incisions, our patients experience higher graft regrowth rates.

What are the steps of a hair transplant?

1. Consultation

Every case is individually assessed and a procedure plan is agreed with the patient

2. Anaesthesia

We administer local anaesthesia using very small, flexible needles

3. Extraction

Grafts are extracted from the donor area and preserved in a specialised solution

4. Lateral Slit Incisions

Surgeon makes tiny, non-spherical incisions on the recipient areas

5. Graft Implantation

Grafts are promptly implanted into the incisions. This process is then repeated.

6. Results

Full results of this procedure can be assessed 10-12 months after a transplant

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+90 543 841 94 42
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PROFUE Hair Clinic

Mehmet Akif Cd.
07025 Kepez/Antalya

+90 543 841 94 42 (WhatsApp / Viber)


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